Friday 11 January 2013

Rebrand Series: New York Rangers

I've gotta say, this new logo is, I believe my best work.  I've been waiting so long to unveil this jersey set to you guys but for the longest time I couldn't get a jersey design that did justice for the new logo.  As you can see that inspiration didn't happen until the world juniors were on.  As much as it pains me to say as a Canadian, the team USA jerseys are sweet, I love the design and as a result I decided to use that design to give my new Rangers logo a proper home.  While the design itself is quite simple, it draws your attention to the important elements of the jersey, it's classic, just like the Rangers history.  Over the years the Rangers have changed their logo and jerseys minimally so I decided it was time for a change.
The first thing you will notice is that the blue used in the jersey is much darker than the "classic" Rangers blue.  I think it just looks better, more intimidating, and it fits better with the logo.  I am working on a 3rd jersey that will definitely pay homage to the "classic" Rangers blue so don't worry.  You might also notice that I've created a new shoulder patch for the team as well, now sporting the liberty torch on both arms, this logo is also in the plans for the 3rd jersey I will be posting next.
Finally, and most importantly take a look at the new Rangers logo.  I can't even tell you how long it took to make this one, many many hours, that's for sure.  But as you can see I've combined the famous Rangers crest with the modern, Statue of Liberty logo they used on a jersey a number of years ago.  But it wasn't enough to just use the shape of the Statue of Liberty, in fact it looked quite tacky at first, which is why I've "burned" the head of Lady Liberty into the logo crest.  The logo is a very modern looking crest and I've done this because it fits the flow of the jersey set much better than a classic crest.  Well, I've already said this my favorite logo I've designed thus far, what do you guys think?

New Rangers Logo:

New New York Rangers Home Jersey:

New New York Rangers Away Jersey: