Monday, 23 January 2012

The Music City Predators

The Nashville Predators have had a history of very....interesting jerseys. with the random silver, yellow, white, and navy they had created some very interesting threads.  Oh and I forgot to mention the diarrhoea yellow 3rds the sported for a couple of years.

My original concept for the predators uses the skull logo that the press have had on their shoulders for a number of years, I personally think this logo is pretty awesome so why not use it on a jersey.  The rest of the jersey is kind of random though.  I think what I was thinking in 2003 when i drew this jersey was that if I was using the skull logo then I could make the rest of the jersey look archeology/museumy to add to the character of the jersey.  Welp, here it is, after I made the jersey it started to grow on me, check it out;

Original Concept from 2003;