Friday 13 April 2012

Shark Attack!!!

The San Jose Sharks have held so much potential with their logos and jersey designs since they entered the league.  When they updated their logo and jerseys they had even MORE potential!!

My design, is easily my favourite design to date, but it didn't look this good back in 2003 when I first drew it.  As you can see from my original drawing the concept is the same but the end result is much different.  I tried to add the multiple shark fins on the bottom and sleeves of the jersey and it looked like a 5 year old child made the jersey so I scrapped that idea.
And boy am I glad I did, as you can see I've come up with something much more awesome, well actually 3 designs of awesome because I am so indecisive.
The first is the original Fin logo in the middle, the second has the updated fin logo and the new orange the sharks introduced into their arsenal a few years back.  And finally, and I think my favourite of the three is the hybrid, which has taken elements from both jerseys and perfected the design, enjoy!

Original Fin Design:

Updated Fin with Orange Design:

Hybrid Design:

Original Concept From 2003: