Friday 13 January 2012

New Avalanche 3rds

I have to admit I have always liked the Avalanche logo.  As plain as the letter A is, they decided to spruce it up and create a scene incorporating the letter.  Too bad they didn't take the same creativity into making their current 3rd jerseys.  I mean, having the word Colorado diagonally down the front of a jersey and changing the colour scheme, how original!  If you are going to change the colour scheme at least do something cool to the rest of the jersey, like this;

That Big foot logo has been around for as long as the Avs have been in the league, so why not put it to good use?!  I've also tried to incorporate the unique striping the Avs use to circle their logo; as you can see the oval surrounding the foot is much more than slapping a random oval to encompass the logo.  I have taken the same theory and applied it to the white accent striping of my concept, I believe adding a very unique, genuine Avs feel to the concept.  I've also included my original concept of this jersey and as you can see I have added the coloured shoulders because when I created the jersey without the purple shoulders the jersey looked a little bland, enjoy.