Friday 14 June 2013

Rebrand Series: Canadiens 3rds

First off, a thousand apologies for leaving you guys hanging these last 3 weeks.  Year end stuff has school has gotten the better of me and I have had next to no time to post anything.
So without further ado, I give you a re-imagined concept of a throwback jersey the Habs wore during their centennial season.  It is essentially the same jersey, but I've decluttered it (although it may not feel like it) by putting less stripes on it and giving it just a hint more blue because although the Habs have worn red since anyone can remember, the blue looks good, and the jersey is an instant classic.
The logo is a combination of 2 logos the Canadiens used back in the early 1900s.  The maple leaf was used in 1911, while the CA logo was used a few years later in 1915.  Simply put I've combined to historical eras of the rich history that is the Montréal Canadiens and put a new twist on a classic jersey from deep in the archives.

New Canadiens Alternate logo:

New Montréal Canadiens 3rd Jersey: